Now that you've reviewed and revised your bylaws (with Board approval, of course) consider moving on to your job descriptions and titles. Do you have staff that have been with the organization for some time? Is it possible their work now doesn't resemble the job description under which they were hired? Consider working with your staff on revising their job descriptions. Having current job descriptions is helpful in evaluating your staffing needs, informing the Board, and preparing for new hires.
First, after reading all of the existing job descriptions, send each of your staff members their own job description and ask for their feedback. Reassure them this is not an attempt to reshape their work, or give them fewer or additional responsibilities, but rather an opportune moment to adequately document their contributions. How do they actually spend their time at work? Have they undertaken new responsibilities? Have some of their tasks become redundant or obsolete? Now might be a good time to ask your staff to really think about how much time they spend on each task. Is marketing that pet project 10% of their time or 30%? Do they spend 2 hours each day in member relations or 4?
Maybe your job descriptions are current. Is there a new staff position that you'd like to lobby for sometime in the next few years? Consider writing the ideal job description for that staff member so that you are well-prepared to articulate the need to your Board at the next opportunity.
If you're the Executive Director or CEO, how about your own job description. Pull it out and review it. Does it still resonate with the work you're doing? Is your compensation commensurate with what you're doing now? If not, consider revising it to share with your Board in your next evaluation and compensation discussion.
Finally, consider drafting a job description for your Board members. What work do you expect them to perform? What are their responsibilities as a member of your Board of Directors? This may be simply an intellectual exercise, or it may inform your onboarding process for future Board members.
Have fun with the process! Consider doing it as a team exercise via Zoom, using a virtual reverse strategic planning process. If I can help, please be in touch!